Life Changes

If life was as constant as an ocean
that just rode to shore on its waves.
Then retreated away with the tide
to return to the same sands the next day.

Would change be effaced from the mind?
Stagnance, the default of our design?
Would new life be made to carry on
or our existence dwindle, fade in time?

Holiday Spirit

The fast approach
of new year’s breeze-
a refreshing blast,
whisking away
reflections of past
mistakes, regrets
while giving way
to fresher breaths,
brighter days.
Reasons to stay,
to embrace and
delight, celebrate
this joyous season
if but for just
one more day.
Let spirited passion
ignite your soul.
Give, deliberately;
let it be natural
as is breathing.
Be kind, be loving
and lavishly so.

On Making Change

There are variances, types
for carbon copies are bland.
Likeness suggests stagnancy,
but where we find growth
are in opportunities to change
our capacity to perceive life-
the one that we lead,
or what life leads us to be.
So, will you employ your right
to be individual? Divisible
from the unified body,
unique in thought, in way?
Or be mindlessly swept along
on the municipal wave?

On the Growth of Grandparents

You are a gentle soul with softest voice
a slowing pace, eyes a fading blue,
slight unsteady hand, gently aging face-
where the beauty of your life is defined,
etched in those lines, proudly boasting
experience and the earned wisdom
of a life designed to be fully unwound
over its years bound to its earthly form.
Do not fret these physical signs of age
for they trace this journey you made
full of unplanned steps, excited breaths,
and they secure every joyous memory
made in a full life lived like it would not last.

Machine Hands of the Working Man

To the city that talks in our sleep,
disrupts our dreams; pollutes lungs,
vandalizes the air that we breathe,
I beg “bring back the beauty buried beneath
your concrete seams, exhaust haze,
mirrored glass images of steel machines
methodically stealing life away.”

For this gray, dead sea drowning out
the once green life of grass, the trees
it suffocates me, debilitates my will
to find beauty in these structures-
pieces of life manipulated by mortal hand
designed to broadcast the strength,
the brilliant mind of the working man.

On Deserving what you’re Given

Fate delivered tests
to discern what might be
best fit to compliment
the very best in me.
With the challenge complete,
broken free from the struggles
that were made to define me,
I find a beautiful peace.
And, for the first time,
I trust that this happiness
is deserved, completely
is all mine to keep.
If this beauty defines,
all that is wrong,
from all that is right,
separates day from night
and reveals to me
the secrets of my dreams
that tend to fade
with morning’s light,
then this is real,
and my heart’s desire
was not kept quiet,
my voice was never silenced.

A fine place to restart

Lately my life seems laden with tragedy
full of loss, anxiety and the fear of eternal discontentment.
My dear friends, it has not always been so
There was a time once when my smile never faultered, my heart was never closed
Revelations of love, understanding and the aptitude for success flowed freely from these now coarsely pursed lips.
I danced and sang like a heathen and prayed like a saint among the righteous
with a hope so steadfast no reckless mind, no wasteful heart could break it.
Dutifully bound to a life of self assurance, a fair deal more faith than even I convinced myself I possessed I set off to define my role in the journey we call life.
With eyes for only rewards and rudimentary challenges, I broke free my restraints of naivety
And began to wander aimlessly through foreign streets filled with foreign faces
Until even my own was no longer recognizable to me-
and I ceceded to a life of misery, of darkness and selfish desires if only to protect what was left in remembrance of me.
Behind this shield of misconstrued being I have grown cold, numb
discouraged by the life I see-
By the life that drags me through,
Wanting the life I doubt I could ever lead.
I am tired of this wasted shell of me,
with this life passing through what fleshy shadow I am believed to be.
Tragedy might befall me but there is no energy left to suffer.
Only to push through this hazy frontier on the journey back home.
All I have left is a smile to wear.
Before this journey began, I would have sworn that it was the best foundation upon which to build.
Today, I would say that is progress

Question of the day:

“How does a pretty girl like you stay single?”

Hmmm… trust me, I do not expend energy keeping potential suitors at bay.

Clearly, the right someone has not crossed my path, has not stolen my heart/swept me off of my feet- whatever cliche line is appropriate.

I am single because obviously I am meant to be at this point in my life. I think that answer is acceptable, right?